Via 1.8.1 now available
I’m happy to announce the immediate availability of Via 1.8.1. Although it looks just like a minor update to Via, it comes with a bunch of improvements and new features. It is also the first release of Via by Simunto, after ownership of Via was transferred from Senozon to Simunto back in January. Due to this change, Via got a minor facelift and welcomes you now with a reworked application icon.
New functionality in Via 1.8.1
Text alignment for labels in XY Plotter. Text labels of points can now we positioned in different locations relative to the points.
Ruler. The new ruler functionality available in the toolbar allows you to easily and quickly measure distances between points in your model.
Support for transitSchedule_v2. The upcoming MATSim release will contain an extended format for transit schedules. Via supports loading files in the new format, although the new features are not yet supported.
Transit Stop Attributes. Transit stop facilities’ attributes like name, x- and y-coordinate values or the assigned link are now visible in the “Attributes” section when a single transit stop is queried.
Search/Replace in Script-Editor. The script editor included with the scripting plugin now provides Search and Replace functionality, available with a right-click on the editor area.
Improved functionality
- Some functionality was lost in Via 1.8.0 due to the separation of agents and vehicles, among them several transit analyses like the functionality to list the current passengers of a transit vehicles. Such functionality was restored in Via 1.8.1.
- Transit Analyses can now be created by scripts (requires the Scripting plugin), and the resulting charts or data be exported. Example scripts are provided to show how such analyses can be scripted.
- The user interface (UI) got improved in several places.
And last but not least, several bugs were fixed: In some cases, shape files could not be loaded into Via or from via-files, teleported legs did sometimes not show up when a WebMap was used in the background, and other minor inconveniences.
Have you observed an unexpected behaviour, or do you have a suggested for an additional feature? Don’t hesitate and send your observation to