Via 1.8.2 now available
I’m happy to announce the immediate availability of Via 1.8.2. Similar to the last release, the latest version comes a number of new features despite its minor version number bump.
New functionality in Via 1.8.2
- Support for time-dependent custom attributes. Custom attributes, e.g. link attributes, now support time-dependent values.
- Support for households. MATSim’s households.xml can now be loaded and visualized, and household attributes are provided to persons.
- Show agent and vehicle attributes when querying them.
Improved functionality
- “Go To Time” and “Set Speed” now preselects existing time/speed also on Windows
- Aggregating Transit Vehicles’ passenger counts on links is much, much faster now
- Show progress when aggregating large point sets in Aggregator and OD Aggregator
- Improve performance of aggregation of points to Shapes by 30-40%
- Improve visual appearance of gradients-chooser on Windows
- XyLayer provides legend entries for lines and areas
Bug Fixes
There were also a number of bug fixes, among them:
- Via does not save preferences on Windows
- Custom attributes for links or nodes are not saved in via-files
- Parsing of very large times formatted as HH:MM:SS (e.g. in plans files) fails
- Wrong time extent when using vehicles or agents layer together with other layers, e.g. Xy layer.
- Cannot add datasets using Ctrl+D
- Loading via-files containing WebMap Layers restores all settings correctly
Have you observed an unexpected behaviour, or do you have a suggested for an additional feature? Don’t hesitate and send your observation to