Via 20.3 released

Shortly before 2020 ends, we have one more major Via update for our users. Via 20.3 brings a major new visualization style for showing multiple attributes at once to various layers, and includes a brand new analysis related to stuck agents.
New and improved features
Mini-Chart visualization
Via provides various attribute-driven visualization possibilities, allowing styling
symbols or areas with colors, transparency, and size based on attribute values. While
this allows to visualize the values of more than one attribute (e.g. one for size, one
for the color), it is not always best suited for comparing the values of two or more attributes.
The new visualization option Charts
allows to visualize the value of multiple attributes in
the form of small bar or pie charts.

Stuck Agent Analysis
Via is great at visualizing and analyzing the agents performing their activities and legs. Agents getting stuck in the simulation during their day on the other hand are hard to analyze, as they just disappear at some point in time.
Via now includes a special analysis to figure out, when and where agents are getting stuck in order to help to better understand why they get stuck. The analysis will show at what time agents were last observed, as well where they were last seen (e.g. on which links or at what transit stops). This serves as a starting point for further analyses, probably leading to coding errors in the network, ill-assigned travel demand, or overused transit stops.

The new analysis is available in the Tools
Additional changes
In addition to the major improvements listed above, the following smaller changes and bugfixes are also part of Via 20.3:
- Support for
files (often used for digital elevation models) - Transit-analysis “Transfers at stops” can be heavily customized (colors, filtering, …)
- Define custom default colors that can be easily selected in the color choosers.
- Detailed link geometries can be loaded from link attributes.
- Support unicode characters (e.g. cyrillic) in Ids
- Support Vehicle type attributes for Vehicles layer’s colors and size.
- Support Geopackage-Databases that contain linestring geometries
- Querying multiple shapes works again
- Showing Network Differences failed in some cases when two networks with different links were used
Download the latest version
Go to the Download section to get the newest version of Via!