MATSim Training

Power up your skills

Simunto teaches MATSim courses to interested groups.

For interested groups of 4 to 8 users, Simunto gives MATSim tutorials, starting from basic understanding of MATSim’s concepts, learning it's data formats, building a simple MATSim model, up to using MATSim extensions for sophisticated models based on the groups interest. These topics are usually covered in a 4-day intensive training and include theory blocks as well as practical sessions with enough possibilities for individual interaction.

Training courses are organized only for organizations that assign at least 3 participants and are usually not open to individual participants.

  • Example slide about the various data for a MATSim model
  • Example slide about different transport modes in MATSim
  • Example slide about how vehicles interact with roads in MATSim.
  • Example slide about how MATSim models road segments.
  • Example slide about how replanning works in MATSim.
  • Example slide about how MATSim's Id class is used when writing code.

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